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Creating meaningful change

We align purpose, brand and culture – the drivers of meaningful change – to create impact at pivotal moments for your business.

Partners at pivotal moments

Leadership change, merger, acquisition, divestment, IPO, category shift – these are events when everything matters.

We have partnered with over 150 businesses to build brands in the high-stakes, high-value moments that drive impact and growth.

Creating the world leader in agri-food pricing

Launched in June 2024, Expana was borne from Mintec's acquisition of AgriBriefing, creating a portfolio of five agri-food pricing brands with a market reach spanning virtually every food type. The rebrand to Expana consolidates a diverse portfolio of products and brands under one dynamic identity, marking a pivotal moment for the business and in the industry.

Latest insights

Bright minds are restless. Discover the latest news, insights, and videos from our industry experts.